The Bizerba Label Designer BLD is heralding a whole new generation of graphic software tools for labeling systems and graphic label printers. A variety of input and output, editing and other design functions can be used with this innovative graphic tool. It permits different fields to be arranged, formatted, combined, aligned, copied using the drag & drop method ?
The BLD software is designed to permit intuitive operation and is in full compliance with the Windows standard. The creation of new labels and modifications to existing label layouts are simplicity itself.
Design your labels in line with your customers' needs by "playing" with variable fields such as text, logo and barcode on screen. Trial printouts can be produced in original size on your customary laser or inkjet printer, allowing you to see how successful your design is immediately.
Once the layout is ready, it is transferred to the Gx devices. After accessing the relevant article, the labels can be printed out using the Bizerba graphic label printer.
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